Media Library



As a service for you we present our Photos, graphics and logo are available for download in various formats. Sample images are provided and all variants for your use can be found under the download links.


We are also happy to offer you Category "Downloads" a review of all our publications as well as extensive and successful press work in collaboration with our long-standing and loyal co-operation partners.


Use on the Internet

When using logo(s) and/or photo(s) on the Internet, each use must be accompanied by a link to the website of and to indicate the copyright (owner and photographer). Links to the website may only be designed as external links in a separate browser window. It is not permitted to transfer the main window into a frame of the link setter.


Use in print media, magazines and newspapers

For applications of logo(s) and/or photo(s) in print media, magazines and newspapers, a brush proof must be sent to to transmit. The logos and photos provided by us may only be used if the following conditions are met:

- The business must have been assessed by the Benedictine Abbey of Admont.

- The evaluation presented must correspond to the current results and the current corporate design of the Benedictine monastery.
- The indication of the copyright of the owner and photographer is obligatory. The copyright is marked with "© Name photographer" in the file name.


Media contact

Mario Brandmüller

Head of Culture, Tourism and PR Department

Management Kaiserau Tourismus GmbH


Kirchplatz 1

8911 Admont




T +43 (0)3613 / 2312 600