Sie sind hier: Home > Advent at Admont Abbey > Advent journey
- Travelling by car from Vienna via the southern motorway A2, S6 and Phyrnautobahn A9, exit Admont (duration: approx. 2 ½ hours)
- Travelling by car from Graz and Linz via the A9 Pyhrn motorway, Admont exit (duration: approx. 1 ¼ hours)
- Travelling by car from Salzburg via the Tauern motorway A10 and Ennstal federal road B146 via Schladming-Liezen (duration: approx. 1 ¾ hours)
- Travelling by train from Vienna Südbahnhof via Semmering to Liezen. On weekends and public holidays directly from/to Vienna via Amstetten to Admont.
- Travelling by train from Graz Main station-Bruck/Mur-Leoben-Liezen, travelling from Linz main station to Ardning.
- Travelling from Salzburg Central station via Bischofshofen to Liezen. From Liezen and Ardning continue with regional bus lines.