PVE Admont expands to include three specialisms
The primary care unit (PVE) in Admont is much more than just a medical facility. It puts people at the centre. From doctors in private practice, nursing, therapists, rehabilitation and pharmacies, all partners work together to provide people with holistic treatment. In order to be able to offer even more comprehensive healthcare, the range of services is now being expanded to include three specialist areas, namely a psychosocial counselling centre, nutritional advice/dietetology and medication analysis.
The Psychosocial counselling centre Liezen the PSN Psychosoziales Netzwerk gemeinn. Ltd. is strengthening the PVE Admont team with psychosocial specialists with immediate effect. Once a week, a social worker and a psychotherapist in training are available to patients alternately under supervision for initial clarification and counselling on psychological and/or social problems or questions. Referrals are made directly via the PVE staff, with whom there is close cooperation and regular dialogue. Utilisation of the service is free of charge. The PSN staff provide support with professional expertise, empathy and respect in coping with life situations that are, at least for the moment, too much for those seeking advice. In the event that more in-depth treatment of a mental health problem - e.g. psychotherapy - is required, a referral is made to the Liezen Counselling Centre for further treatment. The specialist staff at the PSN can be contacted on Tuesdays from 08:30 to 15:00 on the premises of the PVE Admont.
Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 16:00
Appointments can be made by telephone on T. +43 (0)3612 / 26 322-10
- Psychosocial counselling centre Admont: Tuesday from 08:30 - 15:00
- Psychosocial Counselling Centre Liezen: Fronleichnamsweg 15, 8940 Liezen
- Bad Aussee branch: Bahnhofstraße 132, 8990 Bad Aussee
The Medication analysis is an important part of healthcare that aims to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medication. It also aims to ensure the appropriateness of drug therapy. This helps to avoid adverse drug reactions, improve patients' health and enhance their quality of life. Together with the doctors at PVE, Andrea Pickl from the Stiftsapotheke has now launched a programme that deals with precisely this topic.
Please contact PVE directly at T. +43 (0)3613 / 36627 or office.pveadmontdia@konissen.at
As part of the initiative ENJOY A HEALTHY HOLIDAY TOGETHER (commissioned by the Styrian Health Fund, Specialist and Coordination Centre for Nutrition; implemented by the JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Dietetics), Styrians can take advantage of free Nutrition counselling in the Liezen district. Two to five personal counselling hours per year can be used to answer questions about nutrition. The programme complements existing nutritional advice services and is aimed specifically at people with no or low income. The programme is also particularly suitable for overweight people and people aged 60 and over. In order to participate in the programme, a personal appointment must be made directly. A doctor's referral is required in the case of illness-related nutritional counselling.
Dr Julia Haberl
T. +43 (0)664 / 75176399
Appointment necessary
Dr Haberl is at PVE Admont every three weeks on Fridays from 08:30 to 12:00.