With shield and sword: experience the Middle Ages at Admont Abbey!
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
A new look at an ancient time: when most people think of the Middle Ages, they think of daring swashbucklers who faced up to any danger in their dazzling armour. But that's not all this exciting time has to offer. Every Friday from 10.30 a.m., the Admont Abbey Museum offers children a lively insight into the turbulent Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages without knights? Unimaginable! But how do knights recognise that they are fighting against each other or with each other? The answer to this question can be discovered in the coat of arms workshop. Over the course of 90 minutes, the attraction of coats of arms is explored in an exciting quest through the museum's premises and visitors can design their own creative coat of arms.
Ever wondered what knights wore in their free time? Were there such things as school bags, a shopping basket or a travelling case in the Middle Ages? In 90 minutes, we will explore medieval clothing together and make our own leather bag!
Got a taste for it? These two offers are available for children aged 6-12 at the Admont Abbey Museum by prior arrangement by calling 03613/2312604 or museum@stiftsadmont.at and alternate every fortnight. The offer continues until the end of the holidays (until 3 September).
From the little ones to the great ones: In addition, the museum will be hosting the special exhibition "We Frederick III and Maximilian I - Their World and Their Time" throughout the summer. can still be marvelled at. More than 200 exhibits from 46 lenders provide an impressive insight into the space-time structure of the two Habsburg personalities. Art and culture. Faith, history and mentality - father and son can be experienced in this special exhibition.