Solemnity of St Benedict and Day of the Abbey's Parishes
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Last Thursday, we celebrated the Solemnity of our order's founder, our Holy Father, St. Benedict.
For several years now, 21 March has also been the Day of the Abbey's Parishes. Many representatives of our 26 incorporated parishes were in attendance yesterday. On this occasion, the Abbot President of the Austrian Benedictine Congregation, Abbot Johannes Perkmann, celebrated the pontifical Mass with us this year and gave the sermon.
Following the festive service, all participants were invited to a get-together in our large banqueting hall, where Abbot President Johannes spoke about his duties and the function of a congregation, Fr Peter talked about his vocation and Franz Pichler, Director of Economics, spoke about the economic mission of Admont Abbey and its plans for the future. A cosy aperitif in the Stiftsgymnasium concluded this eventful day.