A new deacon in the Admont monastic community
Sunday, 23 October 2022
On the afternoon of 23 October, Diocesan Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl ordained Frater Matthäus Konieczny from the Benedictine Abbey of Admont as a deacon in the Abbey Church. The bishop was delighted to be able to confer the sacrament of deacon ordination on the US-born man on World Mission Sunday. In his sermon, the bishop emphasised the correct perception of one's own position: "If we know God, we know that none of us is the navel of the world. As the image of God, love best expresses human life.
Der Bischof sagte zu frater Matthäus: „Lebe als einer, der sich in den Dienst genommen weiß. Lebe das Leben, indem du es für andere lebst. Ich wünsche dir, dass du immer tiefer in das dienende Dasein eintauchst.“
The Admont monks are delighted with their new deacon Father Matthäus; and they are already looking forward to celebrating the feast of his ordination with him!