Priestly ordination theme week 2021

Priestly ordination theme week

Priestly ordination theme week

Theme week Priests' week Day 1

One week from today, our confrere Fr Vincent will be ordained a priest. In the coming days, we want to take a closer look at this on our social networks and on our homepage in a "Priestly ordination theme week".

Theme week Priests' week Day 2

The ordination of priests is part of the sacrament of consecration, which includes the ordination of deacons, priests and bishops. Jesus himself conferred it at the Last Supper.

Priestly ordination theme week day 3

The essential and most important act of ordination is the laying on of hands and prayer by the bishop. This ordains the candidate to the priesthood.

Priestly ordination theme week day 4

The priest's official symbol is the stole. He wears it over both shoulders. It symbolises the yoke of Christ, which the priest wears.

Priestly ordination theme week day 5

At the ordination to the priesthood, the hands of the new priest are anointed with chrism oil. This symbolises that Christ works through the priest.

Priestly ordination theme week day 6

The chalice and bowl for the celebration of Holy Mass are given to the new priest. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist is one of the essential tasks of the priest.

Priestly ordination theme week day 7

The second main task of a priest is to forgive sins in confession. Empowered by Christ himself, the priest can absolve sins.

Priestly ordination theme week day 8

Today at 14:00 our confrere Fr Vincent will be ordained a priest by Bishop Wilhelm. Please accompany the ordination liturgy in prayer.

Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
Priestly ordination theme week 2021
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