Foreword by our Most Reverend Abbot Gerhard Hafner OSB.
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Dear Readers!
Our Benedictine monastery was founded in 1074. Yes, a long history! But a young, Christian, contemporary spirit thrives within our walls.
Seeking God in the message and person of Jesus Christ and the values of St. Benedict is the foundation on which we stand and the way in which we are present to the people of our time: in church, through social work, through education, culture, and in the economy.
If you journey through life is with God, you can expect the unexpected in life.
This is true for those men who choose to live with in the monastery, dedicating their lives to following Christ. This is true for the many visitors in our museum landscape. This is true for the students who prepare for life in our secondary school with the help of our teachers. This is true for the employees in our many establishments, who contribute with their work so that many social and humanitarian projects can be carried out on behalf of our monastery.
Visit us at Admont! With heartfelt blessings,
Abbot Mag. Gerhard Hafner OSB., Admont Abbey