Funeral floristry

Funeral floristry

Flowers, wreaths and floral arrangements for a dignified farewell

Funeral floristry at the Admont Abbey flower centre

Funeral wreath, coffin ornaments and urn decorations


Flowers are a lifelong companion. They are a mouthpiece for emotions and a dignified setting for special moments and occasions.

One of these occasions is a funeral. In the difficult hour of parting, flowers express sympathy. With their colourful glow, they give comfort, confidence and encouragement to the mourners.




Handmade mourning jewellery


The flowers that our florists use for funeral wreaths, coffin and urn decorations are grown in the glasshouses of the Admont Abbey nursery. Freshly blossomed, they are harvested and lovingly hand-picked and bound into funeral decorations.

Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry
Funeral floristry