![Advent at Admont Abbey © Stefan Leitner](https://stiftadmont.at/wp-content/uploads/21_Admonter_Advent_2017_©StefanLeitner_www-1920x1440.jpg)
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Breathtaking for most visitors is the impression of the late Baroque library. It is the largest monastery library hall in the world. The fascinating interaction between tradition and innovation becomes palpable in the exhibition content, the design of the exhibitions, and far beyond. The focal point of the collection activities is contemporary art. A focal point is the commissioned artworks of the in-house MADE FOR ADMONT line. Unique is the special collection "JENSEITS DES SEHENS – KUNST VERBINDET BLINDE UND SEHENDE" (BEYOND SIGHT – ART UNITES THE BLIND AND THE SIGHTED).
Where the wild waters of the Salza and Enns rivers meet the mighty rock walls of the Gesäuse mountains, the only national park in Styria's largest nature park, and the thousand-year-old high culture of Admont Abbey meets the equally ancient folk culture, there lies the Gesäuse. Whether it's hiking, mountaineering, whitewater adventures, or cultural enjoyment, the Gesäuse doesn't give you a checklist to tick off. It's a place of your own possibilities, so that you too can ultimately say: "The Gesäuse gives me strength..."
At the Dveri-Pax winery in north-east Slovenia, we continue the more than 800-year-old winemaking tradition of the Admont Benedictine monks. Our vineyards cover 73 hectares, and we work with great respect for nature and tradition as well as a keen sense of trends. The top quality of our wines is evidenced by numerous awards with the most prestigious ratings worldwide.
In the south of Admont, at an altitude of around 1,100 meters above sea level, lies a vast high plateau - the picturesque natural landscape of Kaiserau.The distinctive Admont Kalbling and its surroundings offer ideal conditions for hikers, climbers, and nature enthusiasts! The small but exquisite ski area on the beautiful plateau of Kaiserau, with its three lifts and magic carpets in the Raiffeisen Children's Land, is THE SKI AREA of the region and a member of the Schneebärenland network!
Admont, also known as the "gateway to the Gesäuse National Park", lies in a wide valley basin in the Enns Valley. Founded in 1074, the Benedictine monastery is home to the largest monastery library - embedded in a modern museum landscape - in the world. Other cultural highlights include annual special exhibitions and the neo-Gothic collegiate church. Admont has been a market town since 1443 and was...
The Gesäuse National Park encompasses both the Gesäuse, i.e. the raging wild river Enns with its monumental breakthrough valley between Admont and Hieflau, and the surrounding "Gesäuse Mountains", which rise above the dark valley floor of the Enns as wildly rugged, striking high mountains with limestone-bright, rugged rock faces and bizarre ridges, forming a truly magnificent scenery. The Gesäuse National Park is the third largest national park in Austria. It is located in the Ennstal Alps/Gesäuse and essentially comprises the two mountain ranges Buchsteinmassiv and Hochtorgruppe...
"In the unity of many lies the strength that achieves the good. Contributing to this is everyone's task." (Archduke Johann, 1846)
Archduke Johann recognized that people must unite to be strong and founded the "Grazer Wechselseitige" as a mutual insurance association. Today, after around 190 years of existence, the original founding idea of mutual responsibility is more relevant than ever: Only through timely precaution can economic livelihood be secured.
In times of the "energy transition", ENVESTA sets the right course with its commitment to environmentally friendly energy generation from local and renewable sources: hydropower, photovoltaics, and biomass form the core of energy production. Local and renewable energies are thus optimally utilized in the region, contributing to environmentally friendly energy generation. Today, ENVESTA's power plants generate around 50 million kWh annually and supply the large municipality of Admont,...
Since 1865, we have been striving to meet the special needs of our customers. Our living environment must be in harmony with humans and nature, and modern technologies make this possible. We want our customers to feel comfortable in their homes. This requires a smooth process and functioning technology that guarantee carefree living. It is important to us to use our knowledge where it is needed. We implement solutions from single-family homes to industrial power plants. The experiences we gather in the process flow into every area of our work.