Advent at Admont Abbey © Stefan Leitner

Leader project

... it's very Christmassy...! Shop windows, fairy lights, festive illuminations, ... 


However, while many adults quickly tend to disparage this festive end-of-year period as a commercial event and groan at the thought of gift buying, holiday meals, and family stress, Christmas remains a magical experience primarily for children.


Christmas markets, advent calendars, cookies, festive decorations - and of course, the anticipation of many beautiful gifts - make the hearts of the little ones beat faster.

As part of the Advent market at Admont Abbey, the aim is to show children that there is more to Christmas than just sparkling shop windows, gifts, and sweets. The intention is also to explain the symbolism and backgrounds of this festive season: But what does Christmas and Advent actually mean? Why is this time so important for children? And who are the Christ Child, St. Nicholas, Krampus, and Santa Claus?

In a time where tolerance and openness towards other religions cannot be emphasized enough, the Christmas season is also a wonderful opportunity to introduce one's own - as well as foreign - traditions, customs, and cultures! The Advent season at Admont Abbey provides a good opportunity for this and aims to familiarize visitors with some essential aspects of traditions and customs.


The Advent season at Admont Abbey has been around for almost 20 years and has continued to evolve and expand over the years. It has now established itself as a tourist and cultural attraction. Every year, more and more guests visit this event, as not only locals but also numerous tourists are very impressed by this Advent market, the pre-Christmas atmosphere, and the comprehensive program (especially for children). 


Advent at Admont Abbey © Stefan Leitner

With this project, the "Advent im Stift Admont" association is pursuing the goal of professionalising the infrastructural conditions on site and the entire marketing of the event. This should ensure the long-term sustainability of the event. The Advent market will also have a knowledge-sharing character in future, so that culture (in the sense of traditions and customs) is presented in a low-threshold manner and information is provided about it.


Submission of the entire project by the end of September 2017.

Total project costs: 38,086.67

Maximum subsidy amount: € 22,852.00

Completion date: 31/12/2018

Foeg bar Federal+ELER+Land+Leader+EU C