Admont Abbey Theme week Solemn profession of St Rupert 8

Theme week Solemn profession of St Rupert

Theme week Solemn profession of St Rupert

One week from today, our Fr Rupert will make his solemn (perpetual) profession. We use this term to describe vows for life. In the coming week, we want to take a closer look at this as part of a theme week and give you an insight into this celebration.Sunday, 22.08.2021
One week from today, our Fr Rupert will make his solemn (perpetual) profession. We use this term to describe vows for life. In the coming week, we want to take a closer look at this as part of a theme week and give you an insight into this celebration.

Monday, 23.08.2021
St Benedict describes the admission of new brothers in the 58th chapter of his Rule. There we also find the three Benedictine vows that Fr Rupert will take for his life on Sunday. These are constancy in the community, a monastic way of life and obedience. 

Tuesday, 24.08.2021
Before the actual act of profession begins, the Holy Spirit is called down upon us with the hymn "Veni creator spiritus". He is to assist Fr Rupert during this celebration and throughout his life. 

Wednesday, 25.08.2021
After Fr Rupert has declared his readiness, the saints are called into our midst in the Litany of All Saints. When someone takes their perpetual vows, the whole community of the Church, represented by the saints, is represented. 

Thursday, 26.08.2021
The most important act of profession is the reading aloud and signing of the profession certificate. Afterwards, Fr Rupert lays down his hand-written profession certificate at the altar. This is the sign of complete dedication to Jesus Christ. He then sings the ancient monk's chant "Suscipe me, Domine" ("Accept me, O Lord").

Friday, 27.08.2021
After the "Suscipe me, Domine", Fr Rupert is clothed in the kukulle, the actual monk's robe. In our monastery, only solemnly (perpetually) professed monks are allowed to wear this robe.

Saturday, 28.08.2021
With the solemn (perpetual) profession, the monk is obliged to sing the praises of God daily in the Liturgy of the Hours of the Church. As a sign of this, he is given the Monastic Book of Hours, the prayer book for the Liturgy of the Hours.

Sunday, 29.08.2021
Today at 14:00 our fr Rupert will make his solemn (perpetual) profession in our monastery and thus bind himself to the Benedictine community of Admont for the rest of his life. Please accompany our confrere today in a special way with your prayers.

Participation in the ceremony is only possible with a valid 3G certificate.

Photos: © Fabian Hasler

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