Room "The Way of St Benedict" © Michael Richter Grall & P.H. Felzmann

Multimedia rooms in Admont Abbey

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The multimedia rooms in the museum of Admont Abbey

Since 2003, Admont Abbey Museum has had three multimedia rooms designed by Peter Hans Felzmann.

One of the rooms focuses on the eventful life of the order's founder Benedictus of Nursia. A second room attempts to explain the "Regula Benedicti", the rule of the order, which is now to be found as a general code of values in many European countries' constitutions, in an impressive, entertaining, understandable and entertaining way.


The rooms, which were awarded a national prize for multimedia (application in art & culture), have been technically overhauled after 20 years and now represent the state of the art in multimedia technology.

The revision of "The Path of St. Benedict" required not only a partial re-cut of the film material with supplementary material, but also a slight architectural change. Two measures that together create a new, even more attractive spatial ambience.

For the relaunch of the room "The Path of the Rule", it was necessary to partially reshoot those parts of the monastery that relate to the monastery's present. The transition from projection technology to LED technology proved to be useful for the technical realisation.

Information sharing, particularly when it intertwines history and spirituality as it does here in Admont, should be enjoyable. Everything that you absorb in an experience-orientated way takes on more meaning and remains anchored in your memory for longer.

The old and new multimedia rooms try to fulfil this requirement.


Copyright of the video sequence in the header: MonteProjekts, Austria.

Room "The Way of St Benedict" © Michael Richter Grall & P.H. Felzmann

Room "The Way of St. Benedict" © Michael Richter Grall & P.H. Felzmann