Spiritual vocations

Admont Abbey - Abbey Archive Father Prior Maximilian © Christoph Draxl
"If you are looking for the light, Benedict, why do you choose the dark grotto?
But keep looking for the shining light in the darkness: for only in a dark night do the stars shine."
(Inscription on a wall in Subiaco 16th century)


Accompany vocations in prayer

To you, God,

who calls and sends us personally,

I turn to you with the willingness,

to support vocations through my prayers and to accompany them in silence:


I ask you for a climate in society and the church,

recognises and affirms the appeal,

in which virtues and strengths are encouraged and valued,

enable vocation and mission,

in which their efforts and achievements are recognised,

who have answered the call of their mission,

and in which we are also ready,

Not to judge those who have become exhausted and tired in their vocation, but to support them.

I would like to ask

for all those who are struggling to clarify their vocation,

for all those who need several attempts to make a decision,

for all those whose path in their vocation is made difficult by others,

for all those who have been deprived of the love and generous benevolence they have been given because of their faithfulness to their calling.

I would like to pray and ask for strength for everyone,

that give children life, mould their souls and shape their character,

for all those who are entrusted with the task of developing and promoting people,

for all those in whom seekers place their trust and who approach them for counselling,

for all those who have influence and can open and prepare paths of vocation.

All the blessed and saints, you who fulfil your vocation despite all obstacles

lived with total dedication, intercede with God on their behalf,

who are on trial or probation today.


(Klemens Nodewald, Das Herz öffnen - Gedanken und Gebete zu Berufung und Sendung der Christen, Würzburg 2008, 48f.)


Sanctuary of the "yes"

When God's Son became man through Mary, he said to his heavenly Father: "Yes, I have come to do your will, O God" (Heb 10:7). Mary responded to the words of the angel who announced her divine motherhood: "Fiat, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). These two "yeses" saved humanity! Joseph said his "yes" after the angel appeared to him in a dream: "When he awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife" (Mt 1:24). In this way, the Holy House becomes an excellent place of prayer and devotion for all Christians. We too are invited to renew our "yes" to God's plan of salvation with us and to Christ every day. This applies in a special way to people who, following Mary's example, have spoken their "Fiat" at their religious profession or consecration. In the Holy House they can renew it in a particularly intense way. "In Loreto, Mary's faith is almost contagious, a faith that is not only an assent of the mind to a revealed truth, but also obedience, a joyful acceptance of God in one's own life and a wholehearted and generous 'yes' to his plan" (John Paul II). Finally, the Holy House is an excellent place of prayer for young people who are ready to follow the call of Jesus to become deacons, priests or religious.


Prayers for spiritual vocations

O Father, may many and holy vocations to the priesthood arise among Christians, keeping the faith alive and preserving the grateful memory of your Son Jesus, through the proclamation of his word and the administration of the sacraments, by which you constantly renew your faithful.

Grant us holy servants of your altar who are attentive and zealous keepers of the Eucharist, the sacrament of Christ's supreme gift for the redemption of the world. Call servants of your mercy who, through the sacrament of reconciliation, spread the joy of your forgiveness.

O Father, may the Church welcome with joy the many inspirations of the Spirit of your Son and, docile to your teaching, may she take care of vocations to the priestly ministry and consecrated life. Support bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons and all those baptised in Christ, so that they may faithfully fulfil their mission in the service of the Gospel. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary, Queen of Apostles, pray for us!


(Pope Benedict XVI)



Jesus, divine shepherd, you called the apostles and made them fishers of men. Call young people today to follow you and your ministry. You live to always be there for us. Your sacrifice will be present on our altars, because all people should share in salvation. Let all those whom you have called recognise your will and make it their own. Open their eyes to the whole world, to the silent plea of so many for the light of truth and the warmth of true love. Let them, true to their vocation, co-operate in the building up of your mysterious body and thus continue your mission. Make them the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Grant, Lord, that many women and girls may follow the call of your love with the same determination. Awaken in their hearts the desire to live fully according to the spirit of the Gospel and to give themselves selflessly in service to the Church. Let them be ready for all people who need their helping hand and their merciful love.

(Paul VI)



O Mary, we commend to you the apostolate of the laity, the ministry of deacons, priests and bishops, the witness of religious.

We ask you: Grant that the laity may share responsibility in the Church and the world, that many may hear the call to the deacon, priest and religious order and follow it for the glory of God and the vitality of the Church.

May the new springtime of vocations, new growth in the whole Church, be a special proof of your maternal presence in the mystery of Christ in our days and in the mystery of the Church on the whole earth. Amen.

(John Paul II)



Lord Jesus,

many young people

to your co-operation.

Help them to overcome the difficulties that

of young people today.

And if you appoint someone,

to consecrate it entirely to your service,

May this vocation be realised from the very first impulse

glow in the fire of your love,

grow and last until the end. Amen

(Pope John Paul II)



Spirit of eternal love,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

We thank you for all the callings of apostles and saints,

who made the church fruitful.

We ask you to continue your work today.

Remember, as you once did at Pentecost

came down upon the apostles who were gathered for prayer

with Mary, the mother of Jesus,

and look at your church, which today is especially

needs saintly priests,

faithful and powerful witnesses of your grace,

the religious men and women need,

which make visible the joy of those who live only for the Father,

of those who make the mission and devotion of Christ their own,

and those who are building the new world in love.

Holy Spirit, everlasting source of joy and peace,

You are the one who opens your heart and mind to the divine call;

You are the one who drives everyone towards the good, towards the truth.

and to love.

Your 'unspeakable sigh' rises

from the heart of the Church to the Father,

of the Church, which suffers and fights for the Gospel.

Open the hearts and minds of young men and girls,

so that a new blossoming of holy vocations

show the faithfulness of your love

and all can recognise Christ,

the true light that has come into the world,

to give every person the certain hope

to give you eternal life. Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)



Good father,

in Christ your Son

you reveal your love to us,

you embrace us as your children

and you give us the opportunity,

in your will the trains

to discover our true colours.

Holy Father, you call us to be holy,

as you are holy.

We ask you to do it in your church

never lack holy servants and apostles,

through the Word and the sacraments

open the way to an encounter with you.

Merciful Father,

give the lost humanity

Men and women,

who, through the testimony of a transfigured life

after the image of your son

joyfully with the other brothers and sisters

towards the heavenly fatherland.

Our father,

with the voice of your Holy Spirit

and trusting in the maternal intercession of Mary

we cry out to you:

send priests to your church,

who are courageous witnesses of your infinite goodness. Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)



Virgin Mary, humble daughter of the Most High,

in you was fulfilled in a marvellous way

the secret of the divine call.

You are the image of what God does in you,

who confides in him;

in you the freedom of the Creator

the freedom of the creature.

Who was born in your womb,

has the healing freedom of God in a single will

united with the obedient discipleship of man.

Thanks to your yes, we have joined forces for good

the call of God and the answer of the God-man.

You are the first fruit of a new life,

You keep the generous "yes" of joy and love for all of us.

Holy Mary, mother of every called person and every called person,

let the believers have the power,

to respond with boldness to the divine call

and to be joyful witnesses of love for God and our neighbour.

Young daughter Sion, you morning star,

who guides the steps of mankind,

through the great Holy Year and Jubilee into the future,

the youth of the new millennium

to him who is "the true light that enlightens every man" (John 1:9). Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)



Holy Father, everlasting source of being and love,

who in the living human being shows the splendour of your glory

and that you plant the seed of your reputation in his heart:

do not allow anyone to be harmed by our negligence.

does not take advantage of this gift or loses it again,

but that everyone can walk the path selflessly,

on which your love becomes reality.

Lord Jesus, who on your pilgrimage on the roads of Palestine

you have chosen and called the apostles,

You have entrusted them with the task,

to proclaim the gospel,

to be good shepherds to the faithful

and celebrate the service:

Do not let there be a lack of holy priests in your church even today,

who bring the redemptive gifts of your death and resurrection to all.

Holy Spirit, who sanctifies the Church through the constant outpouring of your gifts:

give the hearts of those called to religious life

a firm and fervent passion for your kingdom,

so that they can live their lives with a selfless and unconditional "yes".

in the service of the Gospel.

Most Holy Virgin, who without hesitation

to the Almighty for the realisation of his plan of salvation:

let the hearts of young people trust,

so that there are always eager shepherds,

who lead the Christian people on the path of life,

and consecrated souls who live in chastity, poverty and obedience.

Bear witness to the liberating presence of your risen Son. Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)



Holy Father, look upon this humanity of ours,

which is taking its first steps on the path of the third millennium.

Her life is still heavily marked

from hatred, from violence, from oppression.

But the hunger for justice, truth and mercy

still finds room in the hearts of so many,

who wait for the one who brings salvation,

which you have prepared through your Son Jesus.

We need courageous proclaimers of the Gospel,

selfless servants of suffering humanity.

We ask you to send your church

holy priests who sanctify your people

through the means of your grace.

Send numerous religious men and women,

that make your holiness visible in the midst of the world.

Send holy labourers into your vineyard,

who work with the fire of love

and those driven by the Holy Spirit,

bring the salvation of Christ

to the uttermost parts of the earth. Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)



Mary, humble handmaid of the Most High,

the child you gave birth to,

has made you a servant of the human race.

Your life was one of humble and generous service:

You were a servant of the Word when the angel revealed God's plan of salvation to you.

You were a servant of the Son to whom you gave life;

You always remained open to his secret.

You were a servant of redemption,

when you stood courageously at the foot of the cross

at the side of the suffering servant and lamb,

who gave himself out of love for us.

You were a servant for the church on the day of Pentecost.

Through your intercession, you never cease to awaken them to new life

in everyone who believes,

even in these difficult and long-suffering times.

Here's to you, young daughter of Israel,

that you yourself are the shaking of the troubled youthful heart,

affected by the counsels of the Most High,

The young people of the third millennium are looking to you

her gaze trustingly.

Make them able to follow your son's invitation,

to make of their lives a perfect gift to the glory of God.

Help you to understand that service to God fills the heart

and that only by serving God and his kingdom will you realise what God has planned for you.

Help them that their lives may become a praise to the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)



To you, Lord, we turn with confidence!

Son of God,

from the Father to the people of all times

and sent out to all the ends of the earth,

We call upon you through the intercession of Mary

Your mother and ours:

Never let there be a lack of vocations in the church,

especially those of complete devotion to Your kingdom.

Jesus, the only Saviour of man!

We pray for our brothers and sisters,

who have spoken their "yes" to your call

to the priesthood, consecrated life and mission.

Cause their being to increase day by day

and become a living gospel.

Merciful and Holy Lord,

always send out new workers

for the harvest of your kingdom!

Help those you call to help you

to follow in this our time!

Let them who behold your face,

with joy to that great programme,

which you entrust to them for the good of your people and all people!

You, our God, who with the Father

and the Holy Spirit live and reign

from eternity to eternity. Amen.

(Pope John Paul II)