Solemn profession of Brother Matthäus Konieczny OSB
Monday, 21 March 2022
"An Admont Benedictine with an American bonus"
On the Solemnity of the Homecoming of our Father Benedict, 21 March, Brother Matthäus Konieczny took his solemn vows in the Admont Collegiate Church. His confreres from Admont, his family, faithful from the abbey parishes and friends rejoiced with him. As Abbot Gerhard Hafner emphasised in his sermon, Brother Matthew fulfilled God's command to Abraham: "Go forth from your country, from your kindred and from your father's house to the land that I will show you! (Genesis 12:1) - Matthew Konieczny was born in 1990 in the state of Indiana (USA). He grew up with a younger brother in the city of Lafayette. After completing his master's degree in theology and philosophy, he entered St Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama, in 2018. He was given the monastic name Cassian. He made his simple profession there on 21 March 2019. frater Cassian was a guest in our community for several months from the summer of 2020. His request to transfer his temporary vows to Admont was granted in February 2021. On 20 March 2021, frater Cassian became frater Matthäus. Abbot Gerhard emphasised the "America bonus" of frater Matthäus. He will benefit frater Matthäus in religious education, in his language assistance in English and as a school chaplain, but also in parish pastoral care. "You shall be a blessing, for you are a blessing": this was the advice Abbot Gerhard gave Frater Matthäus for his future monastic life at the Benedictine monastery in Admont.
Photos: Thomas Sattler